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Surf Casting and Angling Club Logo Surf Casting and Angling Club of W.A. (Inc.)

Club's Submissions on Important Issues Affecting Recreational Fishing in Western Australia.

The Club believes it has a role in passing on it's members comments and experience in commenting on important issues affecting recreational fishing in Western Australia. Hopefully, our comments will help to look after the interests of all Western Australians.

In recent years, changes have been proposed which would affect access to some recreational fishing areas and the rules governing recreational fishing in Western Australia.

It's in everyone's interests to "Fish for the Future", and so the Club actively encourages and supports restraint in recreational fishing, and many of our members voluntarily limit their catches to less than the quantity of fish allowed under Fisheries WA recreational fishing regulations.

The Club supports proposals for conservation and controls, where there is data which shows that changes are needed, and where they will be effective and will share the effort and impact among all involved parties.

The Club owns an air conditioned holiday house at Kalbarri which is available for rent to the public and club members at competitive rates

Unfortunately, in our opinion, it seems that some of the proposals are not supported by the facts and don't seem to be able to achieve what they say they are trying to achieve. And some are not sharing the changes between all the groups involved.

These submissions, and some follow ups, are:-


The club has prepared a submission on the draft Rottnest Island Marine Management Strategy July 2006. (63 kilobyte PDF File)

We also put in a submission to the Rottnest Island Authority about its Draft Management Plan for 2002-2007, in which we detail our objections to the plan and our reasons for those objections.

Club's Comments on Caravan and Camping Act Review 2005

Club's submission to the Plan Coordinator, Marine Conservation Branch, Department of Conservation and Land Management, on the "Jurien Bay Marine Park Indicative Management Plan".

Club's submission to the West Coast Working Group on "A Quality Future for Recreational Fishing on the West Coast".

Club's follow up submission to the Western Australian Minister for Fisheries on unofficial reports of the outcomes of the review of "A Quality Future for Recreational Fishing on the West Coast".

The reply from the Minister for Fisheries to the Club's follow up submission above.

Australian Anglers Association, WA Division, had a very useful meeting with the Minister for Fisheries to discuss the West Coast and Gascoyne Reviews, Jurien Bay Marine Park, and several other issues.

Following that meeting, the Club has sent letters to Minister for Fisheries and Minister for Environment with our concerns about the Jurien Bay Marine Park proposals. The Club has received replies from Fisheries and Environment Ministers to our concerns about the Jurien Bay Marine Park proposals.

In response to the release of the West Coast and Gascoyne Recreational Fisheries reviews, the club has prepared a letter to the Minister for Fisheries containing our comments.

The Australian Angler's Association WA Division comments on the West Coast and Gascoyne Recreational Fisheries reviews have been prepared and circulated to all member clubs with a covering letter asking for distribution to all club members. This was prepared using some input from beach clubs' and boat clubs' submissions, and existing AAA policies.

The club has sent a letter to the Minister for Fisheries about proposals by the Cottesloe Marine Sanctuary Committee calling for extra restrictions which would effectively make two kilometres of the Cottesloe Fish Habitat Protection Area shoreline and 800 metres out to sea into a Sanctuary area, which would prohibit all recreational line fishing in this area. We have since received a reply from the Minister explaining what he intends to do about the request from the Cottesloe Marine Sanctuary Committee.

The club has sent a letter to the Minister for Environment supporting Recfishwest's objections and appeal against proposals for long term dredging in Owen Anchorage by Cockburn Cement.

We encourage other people to have their say on these and similar issues. If you find our submissions useful, you are allowed to make use of them, but please read the Surf Casting and Angling Club Copyright Notice covering the use of the information on this site.

Copyright © 2002 Surf Casting and Angling Club of W.A. (Inc.)

Please contact us if there are any problems with this site.

This page was updated on 12 July 2006.

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