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- Air conditioned holiday house at Kalbarri for rent to the public and club members at competitive rates. Read more
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The search covers all text in pages on this Surf Casting and Angling Club web site including in Adobe Reader PDF files.
If you don't find what you are looking for on this site, check the search tips, and then please contact us. We may be able to help you, or add the information on to one of the pages.
If you're searching for more than one word, like fishing spots, put the words in "quotes", eg "fishing spots".
Check spelling. If the words in your query are spelt differently to what's used on the web site, then the search won't find them. If you search for "Margret River", it won't find "Margaret River".
Normally the search engine tries to locate pages which have exact matches for all of the words entered in your search query. If that fails, it then tries to locate pages which contain any of the words in your search query.
There are several ways to change the search.
The search engine has three types of phrase search.
1. To find an exact phrase, use quotes " " around the phrase.
Example: "good fishing spot" will find those words in a sentence like "Trigg is a good fishing spot near Perth."
2. To find a near (within a couple of words) phrase, use square brackets [ around the words ]
Example: [good fishing spot] will find those words in a sentence like "Scarborough is a good beach fishing spot in the northern suburbs."
3. To find a far (within several words) phrase, use braces { around the words }
Example: {good fishing spot} will find those words in sentences like "Albany has some good beach and rock fishing. Another favourite spot on the South Coast."
Include or Exclude words which Must or Must Not be present.
If you put + before a word, that word must be on the page. Example: +always
If you put - before a word, that word is must not be on the page. Example: -never
* wildcard
If a query word ends with a * all words on a page which start the same way as that query word will be found.
Example: say* will find "say", "says", "saying", etc.
? wildcard
If a query word contains a ?, any character in that position will be found.
Example: b?g will match "big", "bog", "bag", "bug", "beg", "bxg", etc.
You can use the following boolean operators in your search:
AND , OR , NOT These operators MUST be in capital letters.
Example: (contact AND us) OR (about AND us)
All of these techniques can be combined.
Come to some Club events as a visitor, to our monthly dry casting mornings, fishing trips or general meetings. Read more
Come to a Club event to meet us, then fill out and send us an application for membership plus the nomination fee. The form needs to be signed by you and two financial Club members. Read more