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Reply From the Ministers for Environment and Fisheries to the Club's Letters on the Jurien Bay Marine Park Indicative Management Plan.

The Club has received the following letters from the Environment Minister and Fisheries Minister in response to the Club's Letters.

Reading these replies does not offer much hope for any significant changes to the proposals, because the words "some amendments" could mean anything.

It's particularly disappointing that the Environment Minister has rejected any release of the amended proposals for public information and comment, before the Marine Park is created.

What do you think? Please contact us if you have any comments.

The Club owns an air conditioned holiday house at Kalbarri which is available for rent to the public and club members at competitive rates


Recent reply from the Environment Minister.


Mr Terry Fuller, Secretary, The Surf Casting and Angling Club of WA (Inc.)
P0 Box 2032
Marmion WA 6020

Dear Mr Fuller


Thank you for your letter of 30 September 2001 regarding the Indicative Management Plan for the Proposed Jurien Bay Marine Park.

I have noted your concerns in relation to both the planning process and the contents of the Plan and make the following comments.

The Marine Parks and Reserves Authority (MPRA) has considered the 81 public submissions and has recommended some amendments to the Indicative Management Plan in light of the submissions. The amended Plan is due to be forwarded to me shortly for consideration, and I will then seek the concurrence of both the Minister for State Development and the Minister for Fisheries for the creation of the marine park and the release of the Management Plan. A summary of public submissions will also be available when the Management Plan is finalised.

I do not believe it is necessary to undertake another public submission process. There has already been an extensive planning and consultation process and further consultation is unlikely to raise new issues that have not already been discussed extensively. The creation of marine reserves is always a complex task as it involves so many competing interests and it is difficult to achieve an outcome that fully satisfies all parties.

While I agree with you that fishing for rock lobster has a potential impact on the environment, it is a relatively low impact industry in terms of by-catch (ie. species other than rock lobster) and habitat damage and has recently been certified (in March 2000) as a "healthy and well-managed" fishery by the Marine Stewardship Council. The Council is an independent non-government organisation established in 1996 by the World Wide Fund forNature and Unilever. Fin fishing, particularly recreational fin fishing, is quite a different management proposition and so can not be easily compared with rock lobster fishing.

With the planned construction of a coastal road and the general increase in fishing pressure throughout the central west coast, there is currently a window of opportunity to establish management strategies for recreational fishing and other pressures, to ensure the marine environment will be protected in the long term. The proposed marine park will provide opportunities to increase protection for fish stocks, maintain the balance of marine organisms on which these fish feed, and study the effectiveness of zoning and other management strategies.

While I appreciate your organisation's views regarding the proposal, I am sure you do not dispute the need for increased protection and management of the marine environment. The management objectives and strategies for the proposed Jurien Bay Marine Park may not be ideal from all points of view, however, the marine scientist Dr Graham Edgar who has extensive experience in other Australian marine protected areas and has been studying the proposed Jurien Bay reserve for the last three years states that "...the proposal as presently described will create the best marine protected area in southern Australia - with a long gap to second place".

I hope that this letter helps to explain some of the strategies within the Indicative Management Plan for the proposed Jurien Bay Marine Park and I look forward to your future support for this proposal.

Yours sincerely

Dr Judy Edwards MLA



Telephone: (08) 9220 5050 Facsimile: (08) 9221 4665/8 E-Mail:


Earlier reply from the Fisheries Minister.



11th Floor, Dumas House, 2 Havelock Street, West Perth, Western Australia 6005
Telephone (08) 9213 6700 Facsimile: (08) 9213 6701
Internet: http ://www. Ref:8-3225

Mr T Fuller, Secretary, The Surf Casting and Angling Club of WA (Inc.), P0 Box 2032, Marmion WA 6020

Dear Mr Fuller

Jurien Bay Marine Park Indicative Management Plan

Thank you for your letter of 30 September expressing concern about the public consultation and planning process associated with the proposed Jurien Bay Marine Park.

As you may know, the previous Minister for the Environment established a Community Consultative Committee which undertook an extensive consultation process and developed a Draft Management Plan for the proposal. This draft plan was considered by the Marine Parks and Reserves Authority who provided advice about some amendments before it was released. The draft was released for a period of three months for public comment and during that time, a range of interest groups including Recfishwest and your organisation provided an input. In addition, the Department of Fisheries made a submission outlining the matters of importance to the recreational fishing, commercial fishing and aquaculture industries.

The Department of Fisheries has advised me that the Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM) is currently considering the public submissions and will make a recommendation to the Minister for the Environment about the final plan in the near future. I understand that CALM will produce a summary of submissions detailing how each submission has been considered during the preparation of the final plan. I also understand that the summary will be made available to the public.

The proposed establishment of the Jurien Bay Marine Park is part of the Government's policy to establish a system of representative marine reserves in Western Australia. The establishment of marine parks occurs for biodiversity conservation purposes and does not necessarily contribute to the management of fish stocks. Planning for and gazettal of marine parks usually results in some reallocation of marine resources between user groups.

This process can produce outcomes that do not benefit all users. I understand that the draft plan is likely to place some form of limitation on all user groups including recreational fishers.

In your letter, you indicate that lobster potting has been banned in the Cottesloe Reef Fish Habitat Protection Area. However, this is not the case as the use of pots by recreational fishers is still permitted.

May I take this opportunity to thank your organisation for its interest in the management of the marine environment.

Yours sincerely

23 October 2001

Kim Chance MLC


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