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Surf Casting and Angling Club Logo Surf Casting and Angling Club of W.A. (Inc.)

Club's Submission to the Fisheries Minister on Proposals for the Cottesloe Fish Habitat Protection Area.

The Cottesloe Fish Habitat Protection Area extends from North Street, Swanbourne, to 300m south of the artificial surfing reef at Cable beach and seaward 800m from the high water mark. That's 4.5km of coastline and the entire beachfront controlled by the Cottesloe Town Council.

In the media release announcing the FHPA in September 2001, the Fisheries Minister, Mr Kim Chance said the reef was composed of limestone outcrops, seagrasses, kelp beds and sponge gardens and was shelter to fish, shellfish, crustaceans, sea dragons and stingrays, providing a valuable fish habitat. The reef system is also a recognised nursery area for Port Jackson sharks and a squid habitat and breeding ground. It is a living laboratory and once the marine biodiversity is given the chance to regenerate, it has the potential to become an attractive eco-tourist destination.

Mr Chance said the high degree of community support for Cottesloe Reef during the consultation and planning phases would be critical during implementation of the management strategies. The strategies would ensure protection of Cottesloe Reef through:

The Club owns an air conditioned holiday house at Kalbarri which is available for rent to the public and club members at competitive rates

a ban on commercial fishing, spearfishing and aquaculture;
a ban on collecting marine organisms, such as coral, live rock, shells or crustaceans;
installation of four public environmentally sensitive boat moorings;
co-ordination of a long-term water quality and catchment management plan; and
promotion of non-invasive recreational activities like snorkeling, diving and underwater photography.

Recently, Recfishwest drew the attention of it's members to an advertisement in the local paper which said:-

"Fisheries WA declared Cottesloe a Fish Habitat Protection Area. This does not protect the fish. People can still fish, crayfish and capture abalone anywhere within this area!. Given a chance, the reef of South Cottesloe could become a marine aquarium where families snorkel amongst fish and enjoy the marine life fully intact. Please write, fax or email Kim Chance, Minister for Fisheries. Tell him to protect all marine life between the main Groyne and the Cable Station." and had the name Rowley Goonan - Cottesloe Marine Sanctuary Committee.

Fisheries Management Paper 150 covering the FHPA says "The Cottesloe Marine Protection Group (CMPG) was formed in December 1998 by a group of local snorkellers concerned about the depletion of marine life and degradation of the Cottesloe reefs as a result of human impacts such as spearfishing, collecting of marine life, and discharge of nutrient-enriched stormwater and groundwater. The aim of the CMPG is to protect the natural heritage value of the Cottesloe reefs and waters from the impact of human development and usage through appropriate management measures." It also notes that "The Cottesloe reef system is notable because it is a healthy, flourishing marine system...."

Recreational line fishing was not listed among these negative impacts. Indeed, when the Fish Habitat Protection Area was declared, recreational fishing was deemed to be an activity which is compatible with the FHPA declaration, and there were no restrictions placed on fishing from the shore and boat fishing was still allowed but anchoring was not allowed.

Nothing has changed in the marine area, but this Committee now calls itself the "Cottesloe Marine Sanctuary Committee" and is calling for extra restrictions which would effectively make two kilometres of this shoreline and 800 metres out to sea into a Sanctuary area, which would prohibit all recreational line fishing in this area. This appears an attempt to bring in a further set of restrictions, after a comprehensive public review of the original proposals did not support any such restrictions.

The club supports Recfishwest's opinion that making this area into a full Sanctuary Area is neither necessary nor desirable. This area, particularly the Cottesloe Groyne, is an important area for many recreational fishers who mainly catch the pelagic types of fish which move through the area and are not long term resident fish, such as herring, tailor, salmon, whiting, skipjack, etc. Restrictions in one area just place extra pressure on nearby areas, and that could then lead to restrictions in those areas. Once access is lost, it is unlikely ever to be given back again. So calls for restrictions which cover relatively large areas must be opposed unless there are really good reasons for having them.

We should make sure that all the things doing real damage are also controlled. I remember reading articles in the local papers about the effect of discharge of nutrient-enriched stormwater and groundwater on to the beaches and reefs, causing excessive weed and algae in the shallow waters.

The Club has written to the Fisheries Minister and asked he refuses these requests to place any further restrictions on recreational line fishing from the shore or from boats in this area. The contents of the letter are below:-

20 January 2002

Hon Kim Chance, Minister for Fisheries,
11th Floor, Dumas House, 2 Havelock Street, West Perth W.A. 6005

Dear Minister,

Recreational Fishing Within Cottesloe Fish Habitat Protection Area .

This letter has been prepared on behalf of the members of the Surf Casting and Angling Club of W.A. The club currently has 74 adult and 13 junior members.

The Club members are concerned at recent proposals by the Cottesloe Marine Sanctuary Committee calling for the protection of all marine life between the Main Cottesloe Groyne and the Mosman Cable Station, which would effectively prohibit recreational line fishing in this area.

Fisheries Management Paper 150 says "The Cottesloe Marine Protection Group (CMPG) was formed in December 1998 by a group of local snorkellers concerned about the depletion of marine life and degradation of the Cottesloe reefs as a result of human impacts such as spearfishing, collecting of marine life, and discharge of nutrient-enriched stormwater and groundwater. The aim of the CMPG is to protect the natural heritage value of the Cottesloe reefs and waters from the impact of human development and usage through appropriate management measures." It also notes that "The Cottesloe reef system is notable because it is a healthy, flourishing marine system...."

We note that recreational line fishing was not listed among these negative impacts. When the Fish Habitat Protection Area was declared, recreational fishing was deemed to be an activity compatible with the FHPA declaration.

Nothing has changed in the marine area, but this Committee is now called the "Cottesloe Marine Sanctuary Committee" and is calling for extra restrictions which would effectively make this two kilometres of shoreline and 800 metres (we understand) out to sea into a Sanctuary area. This appears an attempt to bring in a further set of restrictions, after a comprehensive public review of the original proposals did not support such restrictions.

The club supports Recfishwest's opinion that making this area into a full Sanctuary Area is neither necessary nor desirable. This area, particularly the Cottesloe Groyne, is an important area for many recreational fishers who mainly catch the pelagic types of fish which move through the area and are not long term resident fish, such as herring, tailor, salmon, whiting, skipjack, etc.

The Club asks that you refuse these requests to place any further restrictions on recreational line fishing from the shore or from boats in this area, please.

I can be contacted on for any queries.

Your sincerely

Terry Fuller
Secretary, Surf Casting and Angling Club of WA (Inc.)


We have since received a reply from the Minister explaining what he intends to do about the request from the Cottesloe Marine Sanctuary Committee.

Copyright © 2002, Surf Casting and Angling Club of W.A. (Inc.)

Please contact us if there are any problems with this site.

This page last updated 7 February 2002.

Display of this page was updated on 21 January 2013. Contents updated as above.

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